October 3, 2008

Done Did

Up with the chickens this morning. Do believe I woke before the rooster even crowed, 3:30. Yeppers, definitely not a night owl on this end. Early to bed, early to rise has always been my routine. Not normally this early. Suppose I couldn't sleep with the excitement of the new arrivals. So here we are at 6:30 a.m. with a Done Did list (things I have already accomplished today).

Done Did

1. Scrubbed bathroom floor
2. Swept kitchen floor
3. Emptied dishwasher
4. Cleaned kitchen sinks, counter tops, stove top
5. Gathered trash to be taken to dumpster
6. 2 loads of laundry (folded, hung up and put away)
7. Balanced check book
8. Checked Email, did my morning reading on a few of my favorite sites
9. Made out shopping lists (grocer & feed)
10. Readied package to be mailed out
11. Gathered items to take with when picking up sheep.

After the routine morning animal care, milking and a quick bite of breakfast we are off to a dental appointment, followed by the weekly shopping, picking up feed, then the afternoon will be filled with new sheep adventures.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you were a busy lady! Pretty sheep, I remember Shetlands well!

Goody said...

But balancing your checkbook is sooo 1970 ;)

Don't you just call up and take the bank's word for it?

Beautiful sheep. My goodness.

Grammy said...

Wow you have finished so much. Wish I had that energy again.