This is Kelly, he was the only one who would stand for a photo this morning.

Angus and Aberdeen more interested in their morning hay than what Mom wants.

Still a bit leary of my getting too close (you can see the fear in his eyes) Angus lifted his head long enough for a quick pic.

Kelly (black) is having a stare down with one of the dogs, while Kirby next to him is chowing down along with Angus.

Once the boys settle in a bit more there definitely will be more photos!
This morning it was a joy to hear the baaa's mixed in with the maaa's calling for their breakfast.
Shetlands are big spooks sometimes though, we had some that we could never get close to at all though but they are beautiful animals but I wouldn't have Shetlands again though, just my opinion;)
Jama, they are just beautiful! I know you will enjoy having them around.
Just think...a new fleece to work with!
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