March 12, 2009

Things Are Changing

For those that have been reading for awhile may remember my mentioning we have been and were attempting to change directions on the farm. Trying to get back to our original farm goals.
For newcomers a brief rewind would be that years ago when we moved to the farm our original plan was to simply raise the foods we wished to eat and become as self-sufficient as we possibly could. We became sidetracked early on when the better half felt we could supplement the farm income by raising a commercial meat goat herd and I became obsessed with raising every breed of goat in existence.
Fast-forward to present, we are close to having things sorted out. Though we love the SA Boer goat breed, raising 150 head of meat goats was not as profitable as we had hoped and much, much more work than I could handle alone. We had downsized to all but 5 of the Boer herd. I had also downsized and sorted out my dairy and fiber herds a couple of years ago so I could bring back a small flock of sheep to the farm. We were slowly getting back to basics.
Yesterday we sold the 2 remaining Boer does from the meat herd. Leaving only Jim’s favorite, our ABGA registered herdsire Breezy Hill Axle.

We were planning on keeping Axle to breed our dairy does.
The crossbred offspring could be sold for either meat or dairy kids or terminal sales.
Not too long ago Jim hesitatingly mentioned he might consider selling Axle if the right person/farm would come along. I don’t think either one of us expected or thought the right person would ever come along. Never thought the big guy would really part with Axle to be honest. It took us a couple of years, a bit of traveling and cost a pretty penny to locate a herdsire of Axle’s quality.
Surprisingly and unexpectedly someone did come along. Axle soon will be leaving the farm, literally going to greener pastures with a large (very large) show and commercial meat herd. Axle will be doing the job he was meant to do, herdsire and breed. And is very possible the new owners may show him.


Mary Humphrey said...

Axle has always been one of my favorite bucks. I commend you for your efforts to stick with your original plans. You inspire me. I need to cut back again myself. wishes that you produce grandly in your new herd!

Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

I understand the need to sell him but Axle sure is a beauty. Best wishes on getting your goals more focused.

Eventually I want to know that we can survive at least a few months without the gov't, banks, and electric company and yet have quality of life.

Jennifer said...

I know how hard it can be to cut back and sell certain favorite animals. Since I can easily get sidetracked myself, I am inspired by your dedication to your original goals though.

Tonia said...

He is soo nice!!! SO what are you going to use for a sire now that he is leaving??

Anonymous said...

He's a gorgeous buck,the men are the hardest ones to get to give up their fav animals.Shame he has to move on and I am sure he'll be missed,but new girls for him is a great thing in his book;)

barefootchef said...

Wow, I remember when you got Axle. I know it has to be hard to let go of those you love. He is a handsome man and I'm sure he will make you proud when he sires his next offspring!