This really amazes me, that the sheep have no fear of a running tractor. They wouldn’t budge. Normally our critters run when large machinery, especially loud large machinery at that, approaches. I had to laugh. It was actually quite cute. Looked like the boys were hitching a ride on the tractor. I wish I had remembered the camera.
I grabbed a small can of grain and bribed the boys into their feed area so Jim could move on down to the bottom field without fear of the sheep getting in the way, following behind or being hurt.
While the guys were busy outside I made a batch of vanilla yogurt and a batch of cracked pepper with green olive Chevre. Had hoped to start some feta when the phone began to ring with news of customers wanting to come by to pick up their weekly supply of eggs and goat milk. Hopefully today will have time for the feta.
Today is reworking and expanding the pigpen while the ground is moist from the rain, easier to put in T posts. Weather permitting the guys also hope to set-up the shearing area for Wednesday morning.
I definitely will have the camera ready for shearing time.

Pleased to report that the bush hogging is complete. The better half being the nice guy that he is, even bush hogged the neighbors few acres while he was at it.
Hope everyone has a great day!
LOL that is to funny! Our goats see the tractor and panic and run 10 different directions!!! Sheep huddle up into a massive ball and run everyone else over trying to get away. And that is with the tractor Slowly rolling into the barn yard with their hay on it... Yea for getting it done. I suppose all the fires have went out now. The wind has been blowing something terrible the last couple of days and I saw more fire trucks but I think they headed farther out..
LOL! All of my goats take off running if I start our little garden tiller! Except for Trouble, she don't care.
Wekcome to the world of Shetland Sheep. ;-) Nosey does not begin to label them. Of course some are worse than others, and it sounds like the boys are pretty secure in their own little world. ha....
That would, indeed, have been a priceless photo! It seems the best ones always get away. You did a great job of recreating it for us though...
Our chickens can NOT get the hang of BIG THINGS WILL RUN OVER YOU statements. They just keep hanging in the way until Fuzzy, shoos them off.
I'm sitting here at work reading about your good life, wish I was there. :-)
Is Jim still getting his planned surgery? Hadn't heard anymore about it.
arent our critters amazing?!? Our horses will go nuts over things you wouldnt think and then you come up across what you think would send them heading for the hills and they look at you like "so what else you got?"
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