Had company from the city on Friday and Saturday.
Friday was sister and her hubby. They made a quick one day trip down and back. Was so good to see them. Haven't seen them since Thanksgiving.
Saturday a few members of the better half's family showed up unexpectedly. A short but pleasant visit there also.
On the coming weeks calendar is shearing, butchering the roosters, garden prep, starting more seeds, reworking and expanding the pig pen plus assorted other tasks. Sounds like alot? Normally it would be but while the better half is on vacation for 10 days we are hoping to knock out many things on the "To Do List".
I am so glad Sister came for a visit. It gave me a chance to try out a new recipe recently posted over at Antiquity Oaks . Creme Brulee Pie made with goat milk and farm fresh eggs.
I'm normally hesitate in making a cake or pie. It's just me most of the time and Jim is home on weekends. Hate for anything to go to waste, so you know we would eat the whole thing and we really don't need it.
It was delightful. So easy, peasy to make (makes it's own crust). Everyone loved it. Not a single crumb left.

sounds gooood, I'll keep that until I am in goats milk again.
Wow - that pie sounds amazing. Must have been nice to see folks and have company, but I know what you mean. The older I get, the more like Garbo I am. "I vant to be alone." LOL
Oh, that does sound delicious! Goat's milk is so expensive here but I do plan on having goats in the next 5 years so I probably should just go ahead, buy some and start working with it, yes?
Thanks for the recipe. I'm thinking it might be just the thing when we have our next family dinner.
So glad to hear that you enjoyed the recipe! Great idea to have the strawberries on the side.
What a great recipe and I just loved her blog! Thanks for sharing.
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