The temps have been very mild for this time of year. In the mid 40's and 50's. The animals and I both have greatly enjoyed the warm spell. The sheep decided to come up to see what I was doing out and about the farm yesterday.
If you have never experienced seeing happy Shetland sheep, you are definitely missing something :-)
The boys have this happy bouncy jumpy thing they do, a spring in their step, one minute they are standing on all fours then the next minute they have popped straight up in the air.
I tried to catch them in the's hard, very hard.
Momma's boy - Baa Baa Black Sheep - Kelly
Tell tale signs...he has been in the hay barn...strands of hay in his fleece

Touch Me Not (but getting so much better) The little guy - Kirby

A bit of friendly rough housing between the two

Angus and Aberdeen deciding who will be boss for the day

Being twins they are never far apart

Remember it is very hard to photograph a moving object
Here's Angus doing his happy know he's saying
I Feel Good!

I knew that I would

So good, so good,

Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good!

Hope you can see it, in the last 2 photos Angus has all four feet off of the ground.
Love the jumping sheep! Remarkable that you were able to catch them in midair!
It's warm here too for this time of year today! Nice wooly boys.
I definitely see it! What fun! Those sheep are loving the chilly weather!
My ram lamb had the hippity-hops the other day in and out of the barn. Boy was he having a good time. Great photography
That is too funny! I love sheep! (and goats!)
I never known any sheep but can see I'd fall in love with 'em. So you shave 'em down and use their coats? Do ya eat 'em too? I guess that sheep and goats would require the same diet and health care?
Absolutely adorable!
What a fun photo shoot! And the sheep are just adorable!
They look so happy. :-) It does my heart good, although, I did feel a little tug when I saw Kelly's sweet face. Love that little sheepie, but it looks like he has nestled in there. Aren't they just a hoot, when they do that popcorn jumping? I also think it's funny when they push/shove each other as they are walking side by side---like boys in a schoolyard. Thanks for sharing the pictures, you made my day.
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