I am the worlds worst when it comes to hobby/craft projects, you know those enjoyable things you do in your spare time. Have all and every intention of following it through till the end. Just doesn’t work that way around here, things pop up that take priority over the crafts, like the animals, cooking, cleaning the house, the holidays.
I set them to the side promising myself I will get back to it after whatever issue at hand is settled. Honestly there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get back to some.
like these ...
The Rigid Heddle Loom, gotta warp it before I weave. You wouldn't believe how long it has sat like this

The latch hook rug for my great niece, nope I haven’t gotten that much accomplished on the rug…that's the photo on the box :-) I gotta sit down to do this. Normally when I sit down in the evenings I fall asleep.
The Angora goat doll, (another photo of what the project will look like)…I have the hair and the instructions, just never time to create. I keep telling myself I have time there is no rush...won't need it til next September anyway.
This week I did manage to skirt and wash one of the white angora fleece,
still a bit damp to work, taking a bit longer to dry than I had thought in this weather. Hoping to start carding that soon.

Speaking of fleece you should see this beautiful black Shetland wool, that came from Fairlight Farms. I just got around to opening the bag. Shouldn't have done that, have been day dreaming about what project I will use it in. Feels so cloud soft, can’t wait to start working with it. (excuse the poor quality photos, still working with el’cheapo camera).
One thing has been accomplished, we've made up our minds on what would be the best drum carder to purchase. Have searched and researched, read and read some more. This is the definitely the one. Not only is it made in the USA, is made here in Missouri. It's the Fancy Kitty Kitten drum carder.
The purchase will be made after the 1st of the year. I am hoping before the next shearing day on the farm. The better half read all of the particulars of the construction and features. He was actually very impressed and feels we would get our monies worth. Plus they offer a lifetime-limited warranty on all parts and workmanship, to the original buyer.
My only question at this time is what carding cloth to order. The medium cloth, would be excellent for the first carding of most mohair (which would be the bulk of my fleece to card). Though I am not quite sure on the TPI/cloth needed for the Shetland wool. Am mulling around the idea of possibly getting an auxillary drum with a second size cloth if need be. Anyone have any thoughts or experience?
Lots of neat projects! That Angora doll is just too cute!
It's a neat stuff - cool projects! But I love that goat doll! Really, really neat. Incidentally, I do a similar dance. But I tend to want to try different things to see if I like them. I had a loom sitting around for ages. (Didn't like weaving.) Have fun!
These are neat projects! The goat doll is my favorite!
I think we all overextend ourselves sometimes. It's what keeps us moving forward! Awesome projects you got going on. I am trying to get going on a baby blanket.
Here again, would you mind blogging about the wool/sheep thing? I need the idiot's guide, starting from the sheep/goats to the carding machine and finished products or sales. Thank you.
I'm in the same state with the projects. I can't even list them, I just walk around seeing them from time to time. It drives me nuts.
That drum carder looks very good, and the fleeces! Yikes! I am learning to do card weaving and a few other things. Maybe someday I'll learn to spin...
AFTER I finish all my other projects.
And that's my way of saying, Hi Jama! I'm BAAAACCCKKKK!
I'm excited that you are planning to get your drum carder. :-) I wish I could help you out on the parts to get. I'll try and ask my friend who has one, what she uses and let you know. Is the little angora goat, needle felted? I've done a little needle felting, and it is pretty fun, but I tend to jump around on projects too, with the 'real world' taking up too much of my time. Take care, hope you have a great holiday.
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