There was much activity on the farm at this time last year. As I mentioned in a previous post, the work started the first week of December, the sections of the house arrived the second week and we were able to begin moving in on December 20th.
Dozer preparing to start work clearing the area for the new house foundation.
Made quick work of removing the 12 trees

Building up and leveling (this was actually quite a bit of work, we live on a hill side)

Pouring concrete for the foundation

Digging and installing water lines to the well house

The foundation piers attempting to dry in the snow

Parts of the new house being delivered and put in place

The better half inspecting sections as they arrived

Annie venturing out in the snow to inspect the back doors

Construction of the back screened in sun room/deck

The roofers finishing up laying the shingles
Neat photos! I've been trying to take photos of every phase of what we're doing on our property. That a really great looking modular! Cool interior!
I love your cow and barn photo! The colors and drama are just right
I also understand, very much, your goat story, only ours was with a bull this year.
Thanks CMouse, around here photos are the only way that the better half and can see the step by step activities with being on the road all the time.
I am hoping to put a scrap book together with the before/after phases of the farm.
Thanks Linda,
Don't know how you handle the cattle. Way too big for me.
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