When we moved onto the farm we had planned on building a house, though needed a place to live until that house was built. We began our farm life living in this…

Why an RV you might ask... it was a quick fix to a major need, we also thought we could use it in later years if we decided to travel and it was affordable.
Living in the RV was actually enjoyable. It was a good fit for just the two of us. Had one bedroom plus a Hide-a bed sofa if we had unexpected guests. Had a nice compact kitchen (only draw back no dishwasher and not much room for home canning), separate dining area, living room, surprisingly a lot of storage room. Had central air conditioning and heat. We had satellite, Internet, telephone. I really can’t complain at all.
Some of you might be raising that eyebrow and questioning living in such small quarters. For me, I spend most of my time out of doors. Especially back then, just beginning the farm, we didn’t spend much time inside at all. It was easy to keep clean, had all necessities and most that stopped by the farm were totally surprised at how nice and roomy it actually was. I do believe(but don't hold me to it) it was 12 ft wide with the slide outs and 34 ft. long. Since the RV was not moving for awhile the better half connected electric, water and sewer lines to the house instead of the temp lines most use when setting up while camping.
We did not get around to building our green dream home. With the better half being gone from the farm most of the time it was obvious it would never happen. We chose to look into other options.
Did you know that having a pre-fab modular manufactured house built off site can save as much as 50% in energy as a traditional residential home building. They also contain 30 % more building materials than a comparable traditional site built home.
What you ask is a modular home? - Prefab, panelized, or modular are terms that usually refer to housing that can be any combination of pre-engineered home parts that are delivered to the building site ready to be assembled in a quick manner. A home of this type, when properly installed and maintained will appreciate the same as the surrounding site-built homes in its area.
We chose to design our own modular home. This year we celebrate our first year anniversary of living in our new farm home.

The farm remains a constant work in progress, we still have a barn and new chicken coup to build and it may take a few more years to accomplish all we wish to do.
I have to say we are very happy and very proud of what we have accomplished.
good for you! You should be proud of yourself. Interestingly, living in a small space - forces people outdoors more. More people should try it.
Our oldest daughter has moved home, with TWO 150 pound dogs!!!!!
So we bought her a 5-wheel, of which she is paying us back. She LOVES it, just LOVES it!
Good for you! Happy Anniversary!
Awesome. Thanks so much for posting this. It's wonderful to hear similar stories. Like you, we're also trying to do this with little or no debt, no mortgages, etc. Wonderful to hear from someone who has done it. Beautiful post.
I look at floorplans on travel trailers all the time, it's just an interest that I have. My husband catches me on the computer from time to time looking at 'em. I LOVE that every inch is used, so compact. Hey, you lived in high cotton in yours, 34ft.
Jackie Clay started out in a $600 trailer, in northern Minnesota in February!
A few years ago, we split out modest house house into a duplex. Mike and I live in the basement part which looks out into the driveway. Getting the rental income is sweet and we so enjoy living in our efficiency apartment. My living room is in the backyard. Vistors know to come over when the weather is nice or they won't have anywhere to sit down. I do have a dishwasher, washer/dryer, central air and a darling tiny kitchen. It's all the two us need.
Our tenant pays our mortgage (nice guy, not around much), I drive a 1995 truck and husband drives a 1996 truck - paid for obviously, but hey, they're running!
It still costs a lot to get by these days but we're striving towards being debt free. Now if we could just lose some weight. :-)
Beautiful home! Well worth the wait, I think. :-) It's refreshing when people talk about either saving up for something or do without. I have a truck payment, but otherwise if I don't have the cash I don't buy it. It's not a hard concept, but try telling that to many people these days.. 'but I deserve to have this and this and this'. Could be why we are in such a mess with the economy... Just out of curiosity--do you still have the motor home? And when you travel this month, who does your critter sitting for you?
Your new home is just beautiful. That is our dream..ok..my dream someday. Jamey still wants to finish remodeling this old farm-house out here but I am afraid it has too much termite damage and will end up costing as much to remodel as a new home (with a much better floor plan) would. I would rather use it as a shop and bring in a home like yours someday. :)
Has your email changed? I emailed you awhile back and also sent you a pm through the KC board? You won't be able to reach me through our old email much longer it is changed.
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