Happy, happy 50th birthday little Brother! May your day be as special as you are!
Preparing the farm for winter has kept me quite busy. Painted the newly constructed milk room, cleaned the shelters, added fresh new bedding, cleaned feeders & water troughs, pulled out water trough heaters, heated buckets and tarps. We covered a couple of the screens on the back porch with plastic to block the winter winds and bought a supply of ice melt, spray de-icer and I ordered new winter boots.
Also keeping busy preparing for our upcoming holiday family gathering. This year due to everyone having other obligations and the in laws to accommodate for the Christmas holiday we decided to make it a 2 for 1 at Thanksgiving… Our big fat Irish family Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebration. I managed to get the invitations printed and sent out. Everyone responded quickly…all would be here. A grand total of 22, including my baby. Yeah, okay, he’s not a baby at 29 yrs. old. But he will always be my baby.
Made a trip to the storage unit to bring home boxes of Christmas decorations. While there realized we needed to just do away with the storage unit, the monthly payment mainly. Seeing as how we now have the new house with adequate room for all things we have in storage, why where we procrastinating in emptying the unit? Why keep paying for something we really don’t need. We loaded the truck with 16 various and assorted boxes. I would say 1 or 2 more trips and the unit will be empty. My goal is to be storage unit free by the end of December.
It took a few days, involved a lot of frustration and making a big mess to unpack, sort and put away the contents of those 16 boxes we brought home, I am much relieved and happy to say it’s done.
Sister and I made quick work of planning the menu for the gathering. Will be the normal traditional holiday feast. Ham, Turkey and Goose. All were raised on our little farm here. There will be mashed potatoes and gravy, two types of stuffing (oyster and herbed bread), two of our family favorite sides, broccoli casserole, green bean casserole along with Grandma’s cranberry relish, deviled eggs and homemade bread.
I have been caring for a sick goat, our pet Pygmy wether Monte. He has goat polio. He has improved greatly, though not out of the woods completely. When one becomes ill I worry, fret and stress over the whole herd so I spend a bit more time observing and pampering them.

We have 6 new chicks; Mother hen had them out and about yesterday. Another young hen is in rehab, think a goat stepped on her. She is hobbling around on one leg, so I caged her hoping she would rest and recover. The leg is not broke, so I have hope she will mend.
The guys are preparing for hunting season. Each year the better half pulls out all hunting supplies, equipment and clothing to inventory, inspect and organize. The bedroom is covered in camo and neon orange clothing waiting to be washed in NO-Scent detergent and dried in Dirt scented fabric softener. Hoping to have all ran through the laundry this afternoon if not by tomorrow.
The week of Thanksgiving we will be having a few 4-legged guests to the farm. Our SA Boer buck has been requested to hire out for stud.
Have to say never a dull moment around the farm. Til next time...have a good one!
There WILL be those who just find all that (service) stuff just too gross. Boy have we been there and done that with our city relatives. It always surprised me went the mates and kids would fall apart, because my brother and Terry's brother and his sister were all raised on farms/dairies themselves.
Oh how quickly some forget!
Sounds like you are busy and having a wonderful time. Best wishes and all good thoughts for Monte. It sounds like your Fall is shaping up really beautifully, especially the family gathering!
Came over from hot belly's blog. Love hearing about your farm life - what great holiday plans you have!
Come visit me if you get the chance:
Sounds like you are in for a busy November too. We have our annual family Christmas weekend the first weekend in Dec. It last all weekend with hayrides, caroling, treasure hunt, etc so I am busy getting it planned out and food ready. Thank goodness all the goats that we want bred are bred so the goats are all settled down. Have a great weekend.
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