Well, here we are the last week of July. Summer is flying by. Still much to do and it never seems to get done.
This week I am hoping to give the milk room it's yearly coat of paint and concentrate on yard work in between all other activities.
Normally about this time of year the weeds have died off, grass and pastures are brown and crunchy under foot and we wouldn't have to worry about mowing or weeds much longer. Surprisingly things are still growing strong this year. Grass and pasture is still lush and green. The wildflowers are still blooming. And the weeds... well, they seem to have a strong hold and are everywhere.

The babies are growing like the weeds. They don't stay small long. Here's little Miss Maybelle. Such a sweet little face. I will hate to see her go.

The pigs are also growing nicely after only 4 months. Hoping we can have them finished off by October and have them in the freezer the first part of November.

I have to admit I haven't had much down time lately to check in on or update the blog. I was so surprised today to see the site counter at over 10,000. Just totally amazed to have so many visits from my wonderful followers and other visitors. Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to visit us here at the farm.
awww, I'm soft-hearted about pigs. Hopefully, y'all have been having enough rain to keep things lush.
I always enjoy my 'visits' to Prosperine! Thank YOU for taking the time to share your life with us...
I am new to prosperine, but I am captivated.
I always enjoy my visits here.
I also am feeling like I can't get all that I need to get done, nor can I seem to get organized.
Always glad to visit! I get behind from time to time, like the rest of us.
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