My camera does not show the true colors. It is beautiful out here in the woods. When the wind picks up the leaves fall like rain.

A dead tree we had topped a couple of years ago so it would not fall on the out buildings, turned into the goats and sheep favorite place to scratch.

Orange and yellow leaves overhead.
Sheared Angora does, Bella and Aurora
Bella, nope, not pregnant yet. Just well fed and fat!

Might be a tad bit hard to see, though I am actually glad I was able to catch him doing this. Evidence as to why cattle panels need to replace all our field fence on interior pens. They don't seem to fight the exterior field fence at all, just up close to the house, shelters or where ever they can see us.
That's Jacob's Chance (white Angora herdsire) his horns are hooked through the fence. He is sharpening his horns on and with the fence. Once finished he will get a bit rowdy and start swinging his head back and forth as if he is mad at the fence or doesn't remember how to pull his head free. Our first Boer buck Jethro also destroyed fence in the same manner.
Great pictures! Those crazy bucks, we have one that has worn a spot on a walnut tree in his pasture clean down to where now there is no bark on that spot. He just butts it. He does the same thing to his hay rack after I put prairie hay in it. Luckily he has never acted aggressive towards people!
Our very first buck completely destroye dhis house adn it was solid.. You coudl here him almost a mile a way banging on the side of it..Then He would climb on top of it.. It was about 5ft tall and 6ft wide and around 4 ft deep.. One day he hit it one to many times and down it went!lol He didnt mess with the fences because they were electric.. They kept him in even in rut.
Great pictures!
Geez I wasnt paying attention and have all sorts of spellling problems in my comments...Sorry!
Thanks Jennifer & Tonia
Jennifer, I saw Jacob out there today headbutting the hay feeder. I will be glad when they are back in their buck pens instead of with the girls.
Tonia, our Alpine dairy buck Kerrygold jumped on and over fences, shelters etc anything under 6 ft was not a problem for him. I couldn't keep him in anywhere! I told his new owner he was a jumper and they said he still is. Thankfully the Angoras and sheep do not jump.
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