Feels like I have been absent from blogging much too long. Hope everyone is doing well.
Not sure where to begin…seems my feet would hit the floor running each and every morning for quite awhile. Each day felt like a whirl wind of activity, never any quiet or down time until I fell into bed. There were trips into town with Sister either to the hospital to see Dad, take him to the doctor’s office or over to take meals to, check on and sit with. The phone rang off the wall between the normal daily activities of caring for the critters & farm plus having family in and out for the last three weeks to see about Dad.
Right now things are on a more even keel and have quieted down. I do feel a bit stressed, tired and running close to empty.
Dad is recovering from his surgery though has developed pneumonia. Doing as well as can be expected for his age and condition. I want to thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers.
Spring has really sprung!
Though a bit wet from much needed rain, the temperatures have been beautiful. Things are greening, growing and pasture is thick. No more feeding hay, everyone is on spring pasture, well not the dairy girls they still get their Alfalfa.
We have now officially gone to the dogs and are dog poor!
Had a call from a breeder who we have helped out in the past with bottling or caring for special needs pups. She was attempting to find homes for a few of her kennel dogs for various reasons.
OK, I know I shouldn’t have, but I being the softhearted, can’t say no…call me crazy, decided to adopt a year old male Lhaso Apso. Say hello to Buster Brown.

Sadie one of our livestock guardians had a litter of pups about 3 weeks ago. Thanks to the male Lab/Rot cross dog over the hill that came a courting a few months ago.

Unfortunately, Sadie had problems with this litter. I won’t go into the sad particulars, will just leave it at the surviving pup is now in the house. My son decided to adopt, take charge of and is bottle-feeding the pup. We welcome Brutus to the family. Sorry about the not so good photo of Brutus at 3 weeks old.

Oh and remember Elly, the one that just showed up on the stoop during the last winter ice storm. We gave her to friends of the family that wanted and were looking for a dog. She didn’t like them, refused to eat so she came back.

Then we have the outside dogs - Front yard

Then the livestock guardians Sadie and Hannah. Add Brutus to the bunch and we are at 9 dogs. I do believe nine is more than enough.
Really glad to see you have updated. I was just wondering about you this morning and how your Dad was coming along. I hope he gets over the hump and continues to improve. It's so hard when there is an illness in the family. It was a year ago this week that my Mom went in for open heart surgery, and that turned us all topsy turvy for awhile, but we have been blessed. Oh my...nine dogs! And here I've been thinking about another dog, but can't think about FEEDING another! If my Dad would let my Mom have her, Elly would be in dog heaven at their house. She'd be so overwhelmed by spoiling she wouldn't know what hit her. ;-) But alas...the foot has been put down, at least for the moment.
Take care of yourself.
Oh, Jama, you have to be tired.
I will admit, in the middle of your dog-related comments I gave out a little snicker. Especially the line, "she came back."
I am terribly sorry about the puppies. That had to have been heart broking. I pray that the tiny tot remaining continues to gain strength.
Prayers continue for your father's recovery.
I would imagine you really do feel stressed. You need some down time, some connection back on the farm, without the worries, trips, and visits. I hope you find it soon.
glad you gave us an update, prayers for your Fathers recovery.
Maybe, but it seems like your family would always find room for one more. You are good folks!
I am so glad to hear more about your Daddy. Here is hoping and praying that they get the rest of the problems undercontrol and he gets to come home soon.
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