Scarlet and Pittypat now are down to one bottle a day. Weaning time makes for fussy babies don’t you know.
Brutus the 3-week-old pup now has his eyes open and is eating like a champ.

According to the calendar Barb and Isabella (dairy goats) have 4 weeks to go before kidding.
Don’t forget -
HFA Fiber Fair 2009 ~ Sponsored by Highland Fiber Artists
May 16, 2009 ~ Webster County Fairgrounds ~ Marshfield, Missouri
The theme of HFA Fiber Fair 2009 is "15 and Going Green."
You will learn more about natural fibers, those from plants as well as animals, and how choosing these renewable resources over synthetics will help protect our environment.
I hope your dad is feeling better soon!
Glad Pittypat and Scarlet are doing well. They make you feel so bad when you cut back on the bottles dont they? LOL
Take care of Yourself!!
Your father and your family are in my prayers! Thank you for keeping us informed in these trying times. We really do care!
Thanks for updating us. You and your family are in my prayers, as I know it's very difficult to go through all these ups and downs when there is a medical issue. I hope your Dad can knock this back soon. Are you planning on going to the Fiber Festival? I hope to, so might see you there.
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