Another plus being away from the barn and back yards is that all of our 4 legged helpers will not have access to the shop. He really dislikes when the goats pick up tools and walk off with them. Yep, ours do it. Buffy once pulled a staple gun off the workbelt of the telephone repair man.

What's behind the fence?
The ewes and lambs.

I absolutely love having the girls and lambs up by the house. I can see them out the front door and bedroom window.

Eartha and Eco soaking up the sun.
The better half has been on vacation the last two weeks. Wasn't much of a relaxing vacation for him as much as a break from being on the road to working on the farm. We crammed as much as we could into those 2 weeks. There were 3 appts. with the vet (taking different dogs), shearing the Angora herd and 2 sheep. Seemed to rain or storm practically every day at one time or another so we were not able to finish shearing all the sheep. We have 5 more to go. Hopefully this coming weekend.We took Dad to the big city (Springfield) for his follow up appt. with the cardiologist after surgery (Dr. was happy with his progress and said all looked good). While there decided to do a bit of shopping and enjoy a good cajun meal at the Big Easy Grill.
We attended the HFA Fiber Fair in Marshfield MO. 

Visited Fairlight Farm one Saturday afternoon and brought home 2 beautiful Shetlands. Lark and her son Jasper. Those two put the finishing touches on my spinners flock. Now have 5 wethers (#5 is Jasper), 2 ewes and 1 ram.
I fell in love with Jasper as soon as Tammy posted his newborn photo. His black and white fleece will blend beautifully with the black and white Angora fleeces. Like I told Jim...I'm not saying I won't ever add more to the flock, just saying for now I am content. Plus who knows maybe next spring we will have our own little Shetland lambs born to the farm. :-)
Such a sweet little fella.

We also lost Dinky the Papillion dog we rescued. He passed a week before Bennie to congestive heart failure. RIP Dinky we love and miss you.
Losing the two so close together and quickly really took the wind out of my sails. Happy to say I am not drowning in my emotions any longer and back on the up side of things. Funny how things work out...we received a call on May 3rd that a little 3 month old Llasa Apso needed a home. She maybe weighed 2.5 lbs., had a problem with her skin and hair, had a half chewed off ear and was malnourished. Yep, call me crazy we adopted her. We named her Fiona, call her Fi for short. She weighed 2 lbs. when she arrived and is a tiny bit bigger than my foot (I wear a size 6 shoe). Last week she weighed in at the vet a whole whopping 2.9 lbs. She has gained almost a lb. She does have a skin disorder/allergy, is bathed with a broad spectrum antimicrobial shampoo every other day, is on an antibiotic and is fed 3 times a day. (The vet did a skin scraping to ensure there were no parasites though she had developed a secondary infection from itching.) There is no fixing the half chewed off ear, that ear has healed, it stands straight up while the other ear hangs down as normal in Llasa Apso. She has had her puppy shots and series of de-worming. I do believe that Fiona and I are the best medicine for each other.
I'll post photos of Fi soon.
Til next time, have a good one!
The shop looks great! So sorry to hear about your puppies.
Lovely shop, so sorry about your dogs!
The shop looks nice, Jama.
So very sorry that you lost your loving dogs. Losing one is difficult enough, not to mention you lost 2 in such a short span of time.
You sound busy. But that is life on the farm, right?
Take care, Mary.
The shop looks nice, Jama.
So very sorry that you lost your loving dogs. Losing one is difficult enough, not to mention you lost 2 in such a short span of time.
You sound busy. But that is life on the farm, right?
Take care, Mary.
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