Hope everyone enjoyed his or her Easter Sunday as much as we did. Even though the day was overcast, kinda dreary and rainy we were able to enjoy and relax both on the farm and with our family.
Early in the morning (before it began to really rain) while doing the morning chores the better half called me over to watch the piglets enjoying the cool brisk morning. It’s so good to see happy, healthy little ones chasing, playing and running through their favorite wallow - mud. Every morning we fill the piglets feed trough and check their self feeding water bowl (it’s a handy little thing, just attach it to a water source and they push on a nozzle in the bowl to bring forth fresh water). They were so happy to see us (really think it was their food) that they would take turns squealing in delight then race around the parameter of their pen seeing who could return the quickest to eat.
(Note For Mama @Ruby Creek– We use what is referred to as hog panels to make their pen. 3 ft tall by 16 ft long panels. Sorry it took so long to get back to you on that.)
One of Jim’s sisters came down from the city for Easter weekend. She spent some time at the Lake of the Ozarks with a friend on Friday, Saturday spent the afternoon and night with the youngest brother’s family and on Sunday came to have a farm fresh Easter breakfast with us before returning home. So good to see her and was a lovely brief visit.
In the afternoon we were meeting family at my parents for Easter dinner. We decided we had a bit of extra time for a Sunday drive (Mom and Dad live about 20 something miles away) so we took the scenic lesser-traveled route over. You could call it a short cut though it really isn’t. Probably "the back roads" would be a more fitting description. Long dirt and gravel twisty, turny roads leading across the countryside. Up hills, down valleys, along ridges and across wet weather creeks. It really is a beautiful drive in spring and fall. This time of year the Red Bud and Dogwood are bursting out all over in purples, pinks and white.
I enjoy looking at the other farms as we drive across the area. You would be surprised how many farms and homes are located back off from the main roads nestled peacefully in the wooded areas. My favorites are the barn shaped houses. I also love seeing the newborn calves, lambs and other livestock grazing the new growth of spring pastures.
Easter dinner was delicious and family time is always cherished. Time flies when you are having fun don’t you know…I hated to leave but there were bottle babies to feed, goats to milk and Jim had to get packed to go back to the road.
Oh, look what my Easter Bunny (Dad) brought me …a smidgen, a pinch and a dash.

Poor Peanut, tied to a tree. I hope they fix the fence soon.
We had pretty weather on Easter Sunday but other than that, very dreary, misty weather. Glad you had a good day.
I could NEVER butcher those pigs, once I saw them growing up and how precious they are.
I have those cool little measuring things and forget to use them. I grew up with a pinch and hollow of your hand, and eyeball. Might be the problem with me not being a fancy cook.
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