Mom and Dad celebrated their 56th year of marriage yesterday. I am so proud of their committment to each other.
Realized had no recent photos of them. The one above is from last years family gathering the weekend of the Celtic Festival. More on the subject of Celtic Festival coming soon.
Cheese Tutorial
Trying to get all together to post a cheesemaking tutorial. For some odd reason each time I begin a batch, thinking I can work through each step, take photos and jot down my notes...something interrupts. So far have made Chevre, cottage cheese, Fromage Blanc, Feta, yogurt, ricotta and something has distracted me.
The Moon

The moon has been amazing of late. An evening or so ago, I caught a glimpse of light shining through the living room blinds. Wondered what it was. Couldn't resist attempting to get a photo. Even with my little el'cheapo camera without a flash, it was bright enough to capture.
The Last Kidding
Each year we seem to have a late bloomer to kid. One doe(female goat)who either doesn't take at the scheduled breeding or for some unknown reason just isn't in heat when we put her in with the buck. This season it was Louise. She just kidded and it was not pleasant. We pulled her out of the herd when I noticed her ever expanding belly and filling udder. I noticed her nesting a few days ago, so started baby watch. Poor Louise. The kids presented at the same time, both heads coming out together. These are the times I question if I am cut out to be a goat midwife. Yeah, sure been doing this for almost 10 years but each difficult birth takes more and more out of me. It just doesn't get any easier. Nope no photos, trying to erase the memory from my mind.
Baby Pool

That's Chase my great nephew. Look at that baby pool. They didn't have things like that 28 yrs. ago when Adam was little. He would have loved that! I would have loved that. Love the fact that the baby is shaded while playing.
Yes Sir, Yes Sir Three Bags Full
While the better half was on vacation, we drove out to Loyal Springs. That's a sheep farm. A long time bachelor friend of ours invited us out for a visit. While he and Jim are shooting the breeze I go visit with the sheep, walk the farm, admire all his hard work and the effort he puts into having a beautiful farm. He sent me home with about 3 recently sheared fleeces. They are a tad bit dirty and I really need to find time to wash them before I store them away.
One fleece is earmarked for a fiber artist friend of mine in Georgia. I am almost embarrassed to send it to her so dirty. But not sure I have time to wash and dry it before I get it boxed and ready to mail. Started looking for online video tutorials for her on washing wool, then realized she knows how. Dah me. Any hoo here is a way for anyone who doesn't know how.
You will have to cut and paste the link I can't get the link function to work. Grrrrrrrr. Or scroll up to my favorite blogs at the top of the page, then click on Sticky Fingers Crafts, you will find her tutorial link on the right hand side of the page.
Happy Anniversary to your parents, cute baby pool!
Thanks Amy
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