December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas and Bring on The New Year

Don't you love this photo? I do, I snagged from a friend, Romney Ridge.

Now that I am back from my extended blogging hiatus, lets can get on with it.

Don't want you to think I have lost interest in sharing farm life, I haven't. I won't blame it on or say time flies (goes without saying and we all know that it does) as I did in the last blog.

I will admit I make more short and frequent visits to Facebook than blogland. It's the time factor I honestly believe there. It only takes a few minutes to scan my page to see what everyone's updated status is, then I am off the computer and running non stop. When I visit blogland I want to read what everyone has been up to, check out links that take me to other blogs or sites that are good reads and before you know it hours have passed.

Surprisingly I have found some very helpful groups and interesting online fiber friends on Facebook. Plus I can see what the family has been up to. Believe it or not, everyone but my elderly parents has a page there. Easy, peasy to message them all at one time, poke or check on them.

I hope that everyone is prepared and is finished with their holiday shopping. As normal, we have to make one more trip into the city for last minute items tomorrow. We will be leaving early after morning chores hoping to miss the crowds, then back home as quick as we can to have Christmas here at the farm.

Wishing each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas!

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