We had a non-eventful, quiet New Years weekend here at the farm. The better half was actually home and dear son also had the day off. Amazingly I was able to stay awake to bring in the New Year. New Years day we spent with my parents enjoying family and the farm.
The GP pups are rapidly growing and I have placed all in working homes. They will be guarding goat herds and flocks of sheep.

From the looks of the ewes, all that were meant to be bred, are. Their mid sections are rounding out and no one seems to be flagging. The wether rams are no longer chasing after anyone. Now to settle in for the winter and wait for spring.
We have had some very unseasonably warm temps lately. The weather is wonderful. Here we are in January with 60 degree sunny days. I try not to think about it, but it worries me. When winter weather does arrive, I fear it will be with a vengeance.
If by chance you might be interested in a chance to win some hand spun yarn or raw wool, visit our new fiber blog http://blessewefiberandyarn.blogspot.com/ We are having a New Year give away.